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  • Accessing Another SAFE User's SHARE Documents

    Issue:  How can I access another SAFE user's SHARE documents? Solution: This is strictly an Administrator privilege. In order to enable SHARE administrator mode you must have Administrator credenti...

  • Change User Password in Cabinet Web

    Note: password change must be enabled by a Cabinet Admin in order for user to change his/her password.     eBizDocs [] is an award-winning digital asset management solutions prov...

  • Scanner Cleaning Supplies

    What should I use to clean my Kodak scanner?       eBizDocs [] is an award-winning digital asset management solutions provider. Services include: process consultation, software ...

  • Send Document using Cabinet SHARE

    Note: SHARE is an optional, subscription based module offered by Cabinet. Enabling this module requires a SHARE license and configuration by an administrator. Use the following steps to share a docum...

  • Export Cabinet SAFE User List

    Issue:  Is there a way to export a list of Cabinet users?    Solution: Yes. You can export a Cabinet user list in a number for formats. You can print or email a user list. Exporting, printing, or ...

  • Point-and-Click Batch Scanning and Indexing

      eBizDocs [] is an award-winning digital asset management solutions provider. Services include: process consultation, software solutions, mass scanning, and scanner sales and serv...

  • Using Full Text Search in Cabinet SAFE

      eBizDocs [] is an award-winning digital asset management solutions provider. Services include: process consultation, software solutions, mass scanning, and scanner sales and serv...

  • Combining Images in SAFE

    1. From the document list, select two or more images using CTRL button on your keyboard. 2. Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag the highlighted images to "Combine Images" at the bottom ri...

  • Adjust Kodak Scanner Sleep Mode

    Issue: My Kodak scanner keeps powering off or sleeping after a short period of time between scans. Is there a way to adjust the sleep mode? Solution: The sleep mode or Power Saver setting can be ad...

  • Kodak Scanner Will Not Scan

    Issue: My Kodak scanner will not scan. A red light on the scanner blinks, and the scanner does not seem to communicate with the computer. Solution: 1. Try rebooting the computer and scanner. 2. Tr...